
How to visit Kiso Town

Travel Information


How to visit Kiso Town (木曽町の行き方) from Shinjuku Station, Tokyo is very easy. You just use Keio Highway Bus to Kiso-Fukushima Station. It takes about 4 hours from the Shinjuku Station. No transit. No Switching Train or Station. The Ticket will be from 4,000 JPY to 5,000 JPY.

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Detailed Travel Guide

How to visit Kiso Town
At Shinjuku Station.
8:10 and arrive at Kiso Fukushima Station at 12:25
17:20 and arrive at Kiso Fukushima Station at 21:35

Ticket Counter 4

At Kiso Fukushima Station
7:50 and arrive at Shinjuku Station at 12:05
15:40 and arrive at Shinjuku Station at 19:55

Kiso Fukushima Visitor's center.

Price: 4,650 JPY 8,360 for round trip.

Takes 4 hours. There is a restroom in the bus.
Two Break on the highway.

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