
How to dance Kawachi Ondo


Kawachi Ondo (河内音頭) is local song of Osaka. Its dance is very difficult, especially the step. Once you got the steps, it is very fun dance.

Level: 05 Expert
Type: Rhythmical

Samurai Movie The Ronins New Wave Samurai Movie.


the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!


How to dance Kawachi Ondo

Face to the center of circle and count 10.
Arms are same as walking. Grab hands lightly.
10 and clap.
Left foot back.
Step left foot forward.
Step right foot forward.
Step right foot back and turn right. Then clap.
Step left foot back. and turn to the left.
Step left foot forward.
Step right foot forward.
Step left foot forward and clap.
Step back left foot.
Step three times at the same spot and clap at each step.


Dance Instructor: Yoshiko Ikemura Sensei
Dance team: Minato Waodorinokai, Ran no Kai.