Otaki was a castle town since the beginning of Sengoku period. In 1590, when Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Kanto, his Samurai Honda Tadakatus was given this land. He extended the castle and built a strong castle town. Today, it is called Little Edo of Boso Peninsula. There are many traditional houses in this town.
Otaki Castle
Originally, it was built in 1521. Current building was reconstructed in 1966. Inside of the castle is now craft museum of southern Boso Peninsula.
Watanabe House
It is registered as the national important cultural asset. It was built in 1849. Not opened for public.
Misegura, the building converted from storage.
Merchant Museum
Introduce the life of Edo Merchant.
Toyonotsuru Sake Brewery
Over 200 years old Sake Brewery.
Izumi Shrine
One of the oldest shrine in Otaki. The building was constructed in late Edo period.