

Tajima area is located northern Hyogo Prefecture. The entire area is surrounded by beautiful mountains. Therefore, there are many valleys with excellent waterfalls. Also because this area has heavy snow, there are many ski resorts. North side of Tajima is facing Sea of Japan. It has many beautiful beach with Onsen. Of course, the sea food of Tajima beach is excellent. Tajima Beef is also one of the best beef in Japan.

交通動線 Tajima

By Car

Use Meishin Express Way to Kyoto. Change Kyoto-jukando to Yosa-Amanohashidate. 312 to west.

By Train

Use JR Tokaido Line to Kyoto Station. Change to JR Sanin Line to Toyooka Station.

Tendaki Falls

地區分怖 兵庫縣