Yakushima, The most popular Tourist Spot in Japan.

Have you visited Yakushima? Yakushima is an island with rich nature and giant cedar trees located south side of Kyusyu Island. It is praised as the most satisfied tourist spot after the travel in Japan. The nature of Yakushima is designated as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the small island with giant forest and mountain. Yakushima offers the great adventure.

The main attraction of Yakushima is the trekking to Jomon Sugi. Jomon Sugi is the biggest Cedar in Yakushima. It is about 1,000 to 7,200 years old. The trekking route to the Jomonsugi takes about 8 to 10 hours for round trip, but definitely it is worth for it.

Shiratani Unsui Valley
Shiragana Unsuikyo is another main feature of Yakushima. The Miyazaki Hayao's movie "Princess Mononoke" takes this grove of moss in this valley. This valley has a beautiful moss field called Kokemusumori. This spot is very easy course compare to Jomonsugi trekking, but it has also a beautiful nature.
Yakushima is one of the best nature spot in Japan. It is far, but it is worth for your time.