
Wintersweets at Odairanosato

Informasi Wisata

Odaira no Sato (小平の里の蝋梅) is one of the Wintersweets, Robai in Japanese, spots in Kanto region. It is located in Midori, Gunma Prefecture. There are about 400 Robai Trees that bloom from the middle to the end of January. Robai is a beautiful yellow flower with a nice smell. It is very few flowers that you can enjoy in winter. The colors of snow-white, yellow flowers and blue sky are the best harmony of the Japanese nature in winter.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.
Time: 9:00 to 17:00(Apr. to Sep.) 9:00 to 16:00, the last entry is 30 min. before the close time.
Admission: 310 yen for adults, 150 yen for kids. There is a group discount.
Closed: on Tuesday from Dec. to Mar. If it's holiday. Closed on the next day.

0. at Isezaki Station.
1. use JR Ryomo Line to Shimo-Nitta Station.
2. use Watarasekeikoku Line to Omama.
3. walk northeast.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Wintersweets at Odairanosato
Odaira no Sato is a park with camp site, carven and flower parks located in Midori City. It has also gift shops and restaurants.

Odaira no Sato Cave
It is about 93m long small carven that you can acually see the forming of stalactites.

Flower Garden
It has many seasonable flowers. Especially, Wintersweets in January are so beautiful. There are about 400 Wintersweets Trees in this garden that bloom in the middle of January. Also, Iris are very beautiful in this garden as well.

Official Web