
Kashiwa Matsuri


Kashiwa Matsuri (柏まつり) is a summer Matsuri that happens at the end of July (mostly 4th weekend). It is two days matsuri with many events and parades. About 700,000 people join this Matsuri. It is one of the best Matsuri in Chiba. There is Kashiwa Odori parade, Mikoshi parade, Samba parade, Nebuta parade, Bon Odori and all other kinds of Matsuri entertainment.

Tourist Info.
There is no parking. Use restroom at the station.
Sat. and Sun. of the end of July.
Time: 13:00 to 20:00
Location: around the Kashiwa Station.

0. at Nippori Station.
1. use JR Joban Line to Kashiwa station.

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周圍的地圖 Kashiwa Matsuri


Kashiwa Matsuri

Kashiwa Matsuri is the comprehensive Festival that has all kinds of entertainment that include both traditional and modan style. It had started in 1978.

There is a stage for dance performing at east side of the station. Nebuta parade is held in west side of the station. Hundreds of Matsuri shops open and sales many Omatsuri foods and entertainments.

Kashiwa Odori parade: dance performing by local women's club.
Nebuta parade: about 5 Nebuta perform with live music.
Mikoshi parade.
Samba parade.