
Hamamatsu pariwisata di sekitar

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Informasi turis

Hamamatsu is located on the west side of Shizuoka
Prefecture. It was the city of Tokugawa Ieyasu during the
Sengoku period and one of the hotel town of Tokaido during
the Edo Period. There are many ruins, especially Arai
Sekisho, of Tokaido. Lake Hamana is one of the biggest
feature of Hamamatsu. It is very famous for Unagi,
Japanese Eel.

Akses Hamamatsu

By Car

Use Tomei Express Way. Exit at Hamamatsu.

By Train

Use Tokaido Shinkansen to Hamamatsu Station.

Akibasan Hongu AKiba Shrine

Area Distribusi Shizuoka